Fall is here, fall is here! Finally the cooler temps are near!
I’m not sure about your area of the world, but this summer seemed a little too hot for my liking. My husband told me about the term “Global Weirding“. It seems fitting for all this nonsense Mother Nature is throwing at us lately.
Luckily fall seems to have come just on time. Fall is my favorite time of year. Maybe it is the painter in me that loves all the colors. Or maybe it is the nature lover in me that longs to be outdoors in the fresh crisp air. Whatever it is, I love FALL!
I spent some time this past week putting out some autumn inspired décor. Although I’m definitely self conscious about my decorating skills, I tried to abide by my words from last year about not striving for perfection. So, now I’m taking a big breath and pressing the publish button to share my home looking warm and cozy (in my opinion.)
Antique books are my go-t0 decorating objects. I love books and I love those old linen covers. Even a torn and tattered book looks nice lassoed together with some friends.
Sometimes, even an open book can look warm and inviting.
I was so happy to bring my Ballard knock off painted pear out of storage. He really looks handsome with the autumn colors.
I love all the colors in this photo! I can’t imagine having a monotone autumn mantle.
Of course, Mr. Gourd looks handsome too. (Shhh. I don’t want to hurt his feelings, but I do love the pear more.)
Yes, I’m still switching things in and out like a high school football coach. I actually like the gourd, so he’s back in but the chicken wire basket is out. However, I wanted to show you the vintage map lampshade I made. The tutorial will be served up before you know it! Hopefully I’ll have a new lamp by then. This one is just a substitute for one on injured reserve.
You may have noticed this little terrarium on the side table. I was inspired by some insanely expensive versions here. Never fear, I will have a tutorial so you can make your own soon!
A full view of the mantle decorated. It is hard to believe that in a few months the stockings will need to be hung.
I had fun with this little vignette. A crow in an antique corn grinder? Now that is pretty silly. And another terrarium that makes me smile.
Quoth the Raven “Nevermore”
The acorn jar was an afterthought. It was just a quick little hot glue craft. Speaking of which, if you haven’t read my post about hot glue gun safety, it is a must! Your fingers will thank me.
It is fun having another surface to decorate. The top of our armoire (also known as the family command center) has some pretty purples and greens.
My Pottery Barn knockoff lantern makes a re-appearance.
Beautyberry and Orange Peel Cestrum from our yard.
The dining room has a simple centerpiece made with corn kernels and a candle.
But, I might be switching it out once I get this beauty back from my friends at the Habitat ReStore. Can you guess what it used to be? I’ll give you a hint: Hollywood glam never looked so good.
The post Fall Mantle Decor and Vignettes appeared first on Pretty Handy Girl.